Renee TarantowskiDec 2, 2017

The Path

 We are all walking the path back home and people join us along the way. Some people stay longer than others but each of us assists one another in a purposefully way.

When I worked the graveyard shift in the nursing home, LeEtta a dementia patient, worked my shift with me.  She stayed up all night telling me jokes.  LeEtta and I journeyed together for over a year. 

The day I came to work and her room was empty, I cried.  It was the longest night of work.  I never said goodbye to my funny friend.  But you know what?  The goodbye doesn't matter nearly as much as our first Hello.

The first Hello equals the first step on our journey together.  There really aren't any goodbyes because her spirit continues to walk with me.  

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